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Restoring and Maintaining Rangelands in the East Kootenay

In 2008, a Forest Practices Board complaint investigation found that cattle and elk were over-grazing rangelands in the East Kootenay and the Board recommended that government reduce forage use. A follow-up investigation by the Board in 2015 reported that actions undertaken by government since 2008 had successfully reduced elk populations and grazing allocations for cattle […]

Report highlights value of forest beneath the trees

There is significant economic potential for developing non-wood and botanical forest products in British Columbia, as long as the proper regulatory and planning tools are in place, according to a Forest Practices Board report released today.

Issue #12 – Winter 2014/15

In some way, we are all owners of British Columbia, whether as government, citizens, First Nations, communities, businesses, or licensees. As an owner or a steward, you take care of your assets; you maintain them; you conserve them, you protect them; you grow them; you insure them, you measure them, you utilize them; you enjoy […]