Natural Resource District

A natural resource district is an administrative area established by the Ministry of Forest, Lands, Resource Operations and Rural development (FLNRORD) with resources and values associated with forest and range including, and without limitation to, soil, visual quality, timber, water, wildlife, fisheries, recreation, botanical forest products, forage, and biological diversity.


Defines the percentage old-growth attributes to be retained within a specified area. The attributes are identified using vegetation inventories, but patches of old-growth are not delineated and mapped.

Noxious Weeds

Any weed designated by the Weed Control Regulations in the Weed Control Act and identified on a noxious weed control list.

Not Significant Non-Compliance

Where the auditor, upon reaching a non-compliance conclusion, determines that one or more non-compliance event(s) is not significant and not generally worthy of reporting. However, in certain circumstances, events that are considered not significant non-compliance may be reported as an area requiring improvement.


A species that is not native to the region in which it is found.

Non-Jurisdictional Concern

One that appears to involve a matter that is outside the Forest Practices Board’s jurisdiction.

Net Area To Be Reforested (NAR)

The area on which the licensee is responsible for establishing a free-growing crop of trees.

Negative Opinion

See adverse opinion.

Native Plant

Plant species that are part of the original flora of an area.