Audit of Operational Planning: Ministry of Forests, Lakes Forest District Small Business Forest Enterprise Program

The operating area of the Lakes District SBFEP lies within the Lakes Timber Supplay Area (TSA), the eastern most TSA in the Prince Rupert Forest Region. The operating area extends over the entire district from Babine Lake in the north to the northern boundary of Tweedsmuir Park in the south. The apportionment for the SBFEP is 438,000 cubic metres which is approximately 29 percent of the allowable annual cut for the Lakes TSA. It is the fourth largest SBFEP apportionment in the province.

The objective of the audit was to determine if operational plans for the SBFEP in the Lakes District, approved between January 1, 1996, and October 7, 1996, complied with the requirements of the Code, including the transitional provisions.

July 1997

Natural Resource Region


