Pilot Effectiveness Audits: Use of Criteria and Indicators to Date – Lessons Learned

The Forest Practices Board is mandated to audit government’s and agreement holders’ compliance with forest practices legislation, and the appropriateness of government enforcement. This mandate began under the Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act (the Code) in 1995, and continues under the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA).

Board audits are independent external audits. Audit findings are reported to the public and responsible government ministers. FPB audits differ substantially from internal company audits or those undertaken for most other purposes. Significant features of the FPB audit program are:

  • Audits are primarily results oriented, and not focused solely on process or systems.
  • Audits are randomly selected and not on the basis of performance.
  • Sample strategy is based on the risk of impact to forest values.
  • Reports are publicly released and may be challenged by government, licensees, and non government organizations.

Related News Release

June 2006


Natural Resource Region


