Nadina Beetle Treatments

A resident of Francois Lake complained to the Minister of Forests in May 2003 about the Ministry of Forests (MOF) using Monosodium Methanearsonate (MSMA), an arsenic-based pesticide, to control bark beetles. In July 2003, as she was dissatisfied with the minister’s response, she complained to the Forest Practices Board that the Nadina Forest District had allowed MSMA to be used to kill bark beetles. She asserted that arsenic compounds spread to other species of animals and humans, which caused damage to the environment.

The complainant was concerned that MSMA was being applied in close proximity to private property, which was contrary to its intended use as described in advertising and in testimony at an environmental appeal. The complainant asserted that the MOF did not adequately track which trees had been treated and, as a result, treated trees had been harvested, causing harm to fallers. Further, the complainant asserted that milling treated trees and burning the waste caused mill workers and the general population to come into contact with arsenical compounds.