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B.C. needs new planning process for forestry
VICTORIA – In a new report, the Forest Practices Board recommends that government adopt a tactical forest planning process to direct forestry operations on Crown land. “For more than 20 years, the board has called for improved planning and objectives at the landscape and watershed scales,” said Kevin Kriese, chair, Forest Practices Board. “Recent board […]
Audit finds licensee did not comply with bridge construction legislation
VICTORIA – An audit of Gwa’Nak Resources Ltd., on the B.C. central coast, has found poor bridge construction practices. However, Gwa’Nak’s operational planning, timber harvesting, road construction and maintenance,silviculture and protection activities all complied with the Forest and Range Practices Act and the Wildfire Act, as well as the Great Bear Rainforest land-use order. “There […]
Improvement continues in B.C. forest practices
VICTORIA -More operators in British Columbia’s publicly owned forest are complying with the Forest Practices Code than in previous years, according to the Forest Practices Board’s 2000 annual report, released today. Six of the 13 compliance audits reported on by the board last year were clean – up from one in four in the board’s […]
Arrow Forest District’s Small Business Program Met Most Code Requirements But Biodiversity Issues Identified In Audit
VICTORIA- A Forest Practices Board audit released today finds that the Ministry of Forests’ Small Business Forest Enterprise Program (SBFEP) in the Arrow Forest District generally complied with Forest Practices Code requirements. One instance of significant non-compliance was identified. This involved plans to harvest two cutblocks that, in order to maintain biodiversity, should not be […]
Provincial Systems Fail to Protect Threatened Species
VICTORIA – The Forest Practices Board has found that there is a systemic failure in government policy to protect threatened species such as marbled murrelets on crown forest lands. The findings were released as the close of a board investigation of a 1999 complaint concerning logging approvals in the Brand Valley on south-western Vancouver Island, […]
Board finds good performance in North Coast Audit
VICTORIA – Triumph Timber Ltd. received a clean audit for operations in the North Coast Forest District, the Forest Practices Board reported today. The board audited Triumph’s activities near Prince Rupert, in seven separate areas between Chambers Creek and Princess Royal Island, and found the licensee was in compliance with legislative requirements for planning, harvesting, […]